As a former pupil of BRGS (1947-1954), a member of several school teams, and with an ongoing keen interest in sport, I am proud to be the Chairman of the BRGS Sports Hall Appeal. There have been plans to build a Sports Hall for the past 10 years, but progress has been slow because of limited public funds. This means that schools are being compelled to turn towards the generosity and goodwill of their local community and former pupils to ensure their future.

Sport is only a part, but an important part of young people's lives, and as a bonus, the creation of a Sports Hall will also free up space to create more classrooms, which will be a particular help given the limited teaching space.

The pupils at BRGS are still admitted purely on merit. If you are lucky, as I have been recently to meet them, you can see in the light in their eyes that they will give of their best for themselves and the community. In turn, we need to give them of our best.

Therefore, the school has taken the admirable decision to raise funds to invest in its future and we have a capable committee to support me in this aim. To achieve our vision we are sharing our plans for a Sports Hall with people who have a connection with and an affection for BRGS with a request that you will consider supporting our appeal.

Alan Torevell
Chairman, BRGS Sports Hall Appeal Committee
Chairman, Dewhurst Torevell

BRGS Sports Hall Appeal Committee

Alan Torevell, Chairman
Brian Baker (London sub-committee)
David Barber (Patron)
Sandii Connolly
Derek Copley
Neville Cormack OBE
Sir John Egan (Patron)
Nigel Lester
Yvonne Malley
Andrew Nicholls
Bill Pike (London sub-committee)
Gail Stanley, High Sheriff of Lancashire
Paul Stephenson QPM, Chief Constable
Barbara Torevell

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