Image of Dementia Friendly Rossendale & Lancashire Cricket League Enrichment Project

Dementia Friendly Rossendale & Lancashire Cricket League Enrichment Project

A team of sixth form students developed social history posters along different themes: sport, family and social life, education and transport after interviewing local experts in the fields. The purpose was to develop memory posters for people with dementia. Students presented their findings to The Mayor and Mayoress of Rossendale along with other invited guests.

Image of Indonesia 2017

Indonesia 2017

BRGS students ventured off to Indonesia on an environmental project during the summer holidays.

Image of Year 11 Prom 2017

Year 11 Prom 2017

A selection of Year 11 Prom Photos from the Class of 2017!

Image of Year 13 Prom 2017

Year 13 Prom 2017

Year 13 enjoyed their Prom at the Dunkenhalgh Hotel. Good luck to the class of 2017!

Image of Challah Bread Making

Challah Bread Making

Year 9 students made Challah bread in preparation for the visit by Holocaust Survivor Stephen Frank.

Image of Sports Day 2017

Sports Day 2017

Sports Day 2017

Image of Paris 2017

Paris 2017

Annual trip to Paris for Year 7 students.

Image of Landscaping at BRGS

Landscaping at BRGS

Our intention to use the wasteland at the top of the girls’ slope to provide an additional much-needed outdoor playing area was finally realised through the development of a Multi-Use Games Area. At the same time, the landscaping contractors also widened the parking facilities on the slope and provided seating areas outside the Clark/Copley building, adding to the visual amenity of the surroundings.

Image of Year 11 Hoodies Day

Year 11 Hoodies Day

Year 11 Hoodies arrived the day before Leavers’ Day. Here are the first of the photos sent in so far...

Image of Jazz Concert at BRGS

Jazz Concert at BRGS

Photos from a joint Lancashire Youth Jazz Orchestra and BRGS concert. Photos have been kindly supplied by Matthew Ainsworth.

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