Staff Surnames H - L Staff Surnames M - R Staff Surnames S - Z

Mr. W. Copley, BRGS Headmaster 1949 - 1960

Mr. W. Copley
Headmaster, 1949-1960

Photo: Mr William Copley

1963: Article about Mr. Copley
Read about the headmasters of BRGS,
& read more in "75 Years, A History of BRGS"

1996: Mr. Copley
1997: Written tributes to Mr. Copley

Mrs. Chedzoy, Latin, 1952 - 1954

Mrs. Chedzoy
Latin, 1952 - 1954

Photo: Mrs. Chedzoy's form 1952

2003: History of Mrs. Chedzoy's life post-BRGS

Mr. T. Fuller, Science, 1965  - 2004

Mr. T. Fuller
Biology & Science, 1965 - 2004

Mr Fuller's stars in Pirates of Penzance 1968

Photo: Mr Fuller's Lower Sixth Tutorial Group, 1969-1970

Mr Fuller's article on grass from Opsis Magazine c.1960s/1970s

1998: Mr Fuller's Year 9 form class

Mr Fuller in the Fashion Show, 2000

Mr Fuller in the Fashion Show, 2001 (featured in the 80s track with fellow staff)

Mr Fuller sings Nat King Cole, Year 11 Leavers Day 2004

2004: Mr & Mrs Fuller say farewell

Mr Fuller makes guest appearance in staff "Stars in their eyes" July, 2005

2006: Reflections on retirement

Mr. R. Back
Head of Mathematics, 1968 - 1992
(and also former pupil of BRGS)

1950s: Mr. R. Back, when he was a pupil at BRGS, in rugby team

1992: Mr. Back leaves BRGS

Mr. R. Greenwood
Maths & Technical subjects, late 1960s - 1992

1992: Memories of Mr. Greenwood by Mr. Phillips

Mr. Brackstone in 1976

Mr. Brackstone
Biology, 1968 onwards -c. early 2000s
Mr. Brackstone supervises trip to Angleseyc. late 1960s/early 1970s

Photo: 1976: Mr Brackstone

Photo: 1980s (?) Sixth Form Group with Mr Elkington and Mr Brackstone

Mr. P. Clark, Headmaster at BRGS 1969-1987

Mr. P. Clark
Headmaster, 1969 - 1987

Photo: Mr Philip Clark

Read about the headmasters of BRGS
& read more in "75 Years, A History of BRGS"

Mrs. L. Fuller, Mathematics, 1974  - 2004 Mrs. L. Fuller
Mathematics, 1974 - 2004
(Head of Year for 5 years, Head of Mathematics for 14 years)

2004: Mr & Mrs Fuller say farewell
2006: Reflections on retirement
Mrs. B. Gardner, Welfare Team, 1985 - 2004 Mrs. B. Gardner
Supervisor Welfare Team, 1985 - 2004

Brenda Gardner was with us for 19 years and will be remembered by many former pupils. She was in charge of our lunchtime Welfare Assistants, first aid, and MasterClasses each Tuesday. Brenda took early retirement after becoming a grandma.
Mr. J. Ashton, Chemistry 1986 - 2007 Mr. J. Ashton
Chemistry, 1986 - 2007

In 1986, the year GCSEs were introduced, John Ashton was appointed by Philip
Clark, headmaster, and was originally a chemistry and physics teacher. John was Head of Chemistry until going part-time a couple of years before leaving. John said that during his time at school the number of computers grew from none to over 300; interactive whiteboards have replaced chalk and that the separate staff rooms
for male and female staff have been amalgamated! John remembers closing
BRGS as a result of a magnesium fire during a chemistry lesson. Three fire tenders arrived to put the fire out, which at that point, was confined to a sink!

Staff leavers in 2007
Mrs. Cunniff: Reprographics c.1991 - 2005

Mr. M. Godden
MFL, 1990 - 2011
Came with a wealth of experience and a brilliant understanding of French and Spanish and quickly established himself as an invaluable member of the modern languages’ department and as an excellent tutor.
more here

Mrs. Cunniff: Reprographics c.1991 - 2005

Mrs. G. Cunniff
Reprographics/Resources c.1991 - 2005

Photo: 1998: Mrs. Cunniff

1998: Behind the Scenes - Reprographics

Glenys Cunniff Memorial

Mrs. C. Blomerley

1998: Behind the Scenes with Mrs. Blomerley in BRGS Kitchens

Mrs. S. Gregson, Maths, 1998 - 2007 Mrs. S. Gregson
Mathematics, 1998 - 2007, Head of Year for 6 years

Mrs. Gregson taught maths at BRGS for 9 years and was Head of Year for 6 years. Sandra has: “ really enjoyed teaching maths, working with a supportive team and seeing the subject go from strength to strength.” Sandra said: “I have particularly enjoyed the pastoral work and it has been a pleasure to see Year 9 through to the end
of key stage 3.” Sandra was looking forward to having more time to enjoy outdoor activities and when her husband retires, they would like to spend more time travelling. Sandra has been a teacher for 35 years and is looking forward to time to relax!

2004: Mrs. Gregson's yeargroup go on Blackpool Trip

2005: Mrs. Gregson receives flowers on Year 11 Leavers Day
Mrs. Gregson competed in Staff Sports Day

2007: Mrs. Gregson competed in Staff Sports Day
Mrs. B. Gardner, Welfare Team, 1985 - 2004 Dr C. E. Edwards
Deputy Head, 1992 - 2011

Took a step back from his work on the Senior Management team in 2010 for his last 18 months of teaching. Dr Edwards’ career has been one of high expertise in his subject area and unflagging devotion to the school and his students. A stalwart of the geography department, Dr Edwards has taken field trips to places as far apart as Iceland and Italy, and has led skiing expeditions to France, Italy and Canada. His work in school as examinations’ officer and leading data analysis has impacted on thousands of our young people. We thank him for his 18 years of leadership.
Mrs. B. Gardner, Welfare Team, 1985 - 2004 Mrs. K. Boswell
Psychology, 2000 - 2008
Mr. J. Ashton, Chemistry 1986 - 2007 Dr Andrew Ellis
Head Of Biology, 2001-2009
Mrs. B. Gardner, Welfare Team, 1985 - 2004 Mrs E. Donnelly
Physics, 2004-2009
Mrs. B. Gardner, Welfare Team, 1985 - 2004 Mr P. Budd
Law & ICT, 2006-2008




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