There can be no better investment than in education and in the future stewards of our country. As a parent, former student or friend of BRGS, you will understand that we place students at the heart of the school, and their learning environment and educational development are of paramount importance. Any gift you are able to make to our Annual Giving Appeal will help us to benefit our current students by facilitating discovery, realising potential and by forging life-long friendships here at BRGS. We appreciate the economic circumstances and pressures that may affect families and are grateful for your support in prioritising the education of our children. Thank you.


Reflecting on our recent developments and achievements

From our multi-purpose Sports Hall to our remodelled Sixth Form Centre, new Maths Block and multi-use games area, we have been able to work in partnership with former students and parents to fund developments to meet student need. Additional facilities funded through our Annual Giving Appeal have included a well-used grand piano in the school hall, a range of musical instruments, sports equipment, interactive whiteboards and a whole host of IT facilities.

With ever-tightening budgets, school finances cannot always stretch to some of the 'added extras' which departments would like to provide for students; which is where the Annual Giving Appeal is invaluable.

If you would like to support our Annual Giving Appeal, please do download and read the following brochure which contains a donation form and additional information. 

Thank you for your support.




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