15 June 2002

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Mr. Morris gives the green light for World Cup Fever as BRGS backs England...

As England played their final first round match against Nigeria, BRGS students could be found cheering the team on in both the dining room where breakfast was served from 7.00 or in the main hall where a 12 by 8 foot picture was projected onto the newly installed big screen.

The drums sound and the crowd cheers as teachers and students gather to watch the Englan match in front of the big screen

Well, it was a revision period for domestic examinations, so lessons weren't disrupted! Nevertheless, Friday 21st will see the event repeated for the big game against Brazil, England having easily dismissed Argentina (Argentina - easily dismissed; worth repeating, I thought!).

Mr. Overend would have liked to have seen the same fuss for the Ireland match, but sadly, no such equality, but plenty of commiserations for the Irish after they were cruelly robbed of a place in the next round.

The big question now is not "Can England beat Brazil?", but "Will Mr. Morris let us watch the next match?" - it takes place in the early afternoon!

Watch this space.......

Tags: Sport and Activities 2001/2002

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