30 August 2003

A-Level Results

1. The school had its best ever set of A level results.

2. The number of A level students has continued to rise together with the number entering BRGS from other schools. The 214 students passed 766 A2 level exams out of 780 at grades A to E. This is a record pass rate of 98.2% and, in addition, they passed 206 exams at AS level.

3. 366 results were at grades A and B, a rate of 46.9% which is the fourth highest in the school’s history.

4. The average UCAS points per student increased to 343.6 points which was also a new record. It put the school 101st in the league table run by The Guardian newspaper. This league table is for state schools and includes all students’ results.

5. 71% of the results were at or above the target grades set for students to achieve. This pleasing result showed that the targets were realistic for BRGS students even though they were about half a grade above those set in other schools nationally for students with the same abilities. Girls (73%) did slightly better than boys (69%).

6. 26 students achieved the excellent standard of three or more passes at grade A.

7. Outstanding results came from:

  • Lisa Grimshaw – 5 A grades at A level and one A grade at AS level
  • And six students who have 5 A grades at A level. They are:
  • Emma Boswell
  • Bethany Clayton
  • Eric Greenwood
  • Clare McTernan
  • Jason Pawluk
  • Christopher Smith

8. Two students achieved one of the top five marks in the country. They are:

  • Amy Baker in Art and Design
  • Clare McTernan in Psychology

9. Claire Taylor, who is profoundly deaf, also achieved a full set of 4 A grades at A level and one A grade at AS level.

10. The results mean that six students will enter Oxford and Cambridge next year. They are:

  • Bethany Clayton – English at Oxford
  • Lisa Grimshaw – English and Modern Languages at Oxford
  • Hannah O’Sullivan – Geography at Cambridge
  • Jason Pawluk – Modern History at Oxford
  • Christopher Smith – Economics at Cambridge
  • Shelley Tootell – PPP at Oxford

Analysis of GCSE Results – 2003

1. BRGS had its best ever set of GCSE results.

2. The 145 pupils passed the equivalent of 1437 exams at grades A* to C out of 1464 entries, a pass rate of 98.1% which was a record (2002 = 96.5%).

3. All students passed at least five subjects at A* to C and all passed at least five subjects including English and Maths.

4. 59.0% of the entry was at grades A* and A, the best ever (2002 = 57.4%)

5. A record 40 pupils achieved at least nine A* and A grades.

6. Exceptional results were attained by:

  • Katrina Bishop and Marie Buckel who achieved a full set of A* grades and Hannah Caygill, April Harper, Zosia Rodak, Hanna Lythgoe, Martin Bracewell and Oliver Regan who achieved at least 11 grades at A* and A.

7. Two candidates were in the top five marks category in the country:

  • Marie Buckel in History and English Literature
  • Farhana Alam (a year 10 pupil) who achieved full marks in Bengali

8. There was a record 9.9 passes per pupil (9.27 in 2002)

9. A new record points total of 67.23 (63.25 in 2002) was reached.

10. Comparison with statutory targets:

(a) Percentage of pupils with 5 A* to C = 100%; the target (98%) was achieved.
(b) Percentage of pupils with 5 A* to G = 100%; the target (99%) was achieved.
(c) Total points score per pupil = 67.23; the target (60.0) was achieved.
(d) KS3 test results:

  • English level 5+ = 100% - the target (100%) was achieved
  • Maths level 5+ = 100% - the target (100%) was achieved
  • Science level 5+ = 100% - the target (100%) was achieved.

Analysis of KS3 SAT Results - 2003

1. All pupils achieved at least level 5 in the three subjects for the fourth year running.

2. English – The percentage reaching level 7 rose steeply to over 80%, an excellent result.

4. Maths – 98% of pupils achieved at least level 7 and the level 8 figure rose again to nearly one third, an excellent result.

5. Science – There was a slight dip this year. The proportion at level 7 has been stable at roughly 60% for the last four years.

Tags: News Archive 2002/2003

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