6 June 2005

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On Tuesday 5th July 2005, BRGS held its annual Year 7 Roman History models exhibition. However, also included in our exhibition evening this year was an A Level Art exhibition, a technology exhibition, and the Year 9 "Voices" History project! Many of you came along with your parents to view the wonderful pieces of work on display!

In addition, congratulations goes to Year 7 for raising £253 for our Sports Hall appeal by selling raffle tickets to parents. Many thanks to those parents who bought a ticket!

Mr. Williamson (Head of our history department), stepped back in time by dressing as a Roman emperor for the evening!

Take a look at the A Level art exhibition which was located in the hall.

These are photos of the display featuring our Year 9 "Voices" project.

Year Nine compiled a living history archive which contains the testimonies of local people and their experiences in various fields since the start of the Second World War.

What exactly did Year 9 have to do for this project?

Have a look at some presentations produced by Year 9 pupils for their "Voices" project...

Adam Griffin - Factory Life

Hannah Leyland - 1920s - present

Jenny Pilling- School in the 1930s

Katie Meacher- Life in 1930s- present

Shivali Kohli - From Kenya to England

Sian Cooper - Life in the 1940s-50s

Alistair Higson - World War Two

Yaj Goorah- Evacuation and life in the 1950s

BRGS Exhibition evening 2005

Tags: News Archive 2004/2005

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