15 July 2005

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50 A-Level History students travelled to London for an overnight stay and tours of the Houses of Parliament and the Cabinet War Rooms. They also viewed the Holocaust exhibition at the Imperial War Museum. The visit ties in with their A-Level studies as they have been studying Winston Churchill and Nazi anti-Semitism. Many students found parts of their trip moving and were fascinated to see and hear events which they had only previously studied on paper in a school environment! In addition, a non-historical highlight of the trip was going to see the Queen tribute musical "We Will Rock You" at a West End Theatre!

Some of the students were nervous about going to visit the capital just 5 days after the terrorist attacks on 7th July, but were reassured by heightened security measures in London and were able to successfully enjoy their two-day visit.

Sixth Form History Trip to London, July 2005

Tags: News Archive 2004/2005

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