28 August 2005

BRGS had its third best set of GCSE results.

The 148 pupils passed 1437 exams at grades A* to C out of 1475 entries, a pass rate of 97.4%.

All the students passed at least five subjects at A* to C and at least five subjects including English and Maths.

52.3% of the entry was at grades A* and A.

38 pupils achieved at least nine A* and A grades.

There was a record 10.13 passes per pupil at A* to C grades.

Exceptional results of 9 or more A* grades were achieved by seven students:
Katie Andrews
Luke Bramwell
Sammy Challinor

Shannon Chamley
Eleanor Cocker
Abigail Hughes
Tom Hyatt
The following outstanding students scored one of the top five marks in the country:
Luke Bramwell in French, Geography and Science
Shannon Chamley in French
Constance Cocker in History
Read articles below about the following 2 pupils who despite suffering with serious medical conditions during their GCSE work, achieved great results! (Taken from the Rochdale Observer, Saturday 27th August).
 "Maginificent seven for brave teenager" - Laura Proctor 11S
 "Class act Lauren beats the odds" - Lauren Jackson 11R

The headmaster, Mr Marc Morris, said, "Once again we have maintained the high standards we have worked so hard to achieve over the last few years and I want to thank parents as well as teachers for their unstinting efforts. Education is a partnership between the students, parents and school to encourage and guide the young people to achieve the best results they can. And let's not forget the excellent foundations to learning which are laid by the primary schools in the valley. We can together celebrate the successes of year 11 and feel proud that we have helped them along the way."

Read about A Level Results 2005

Tags: News Archive 2004/2005

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