25 November 2005

"Nearly 200 guests enjoyed an evening of fairground fun with hints of the famous Moulin Rouge at our one-off Celebration Ball on Saturday 18th March. Nearly £8,000 was raised through an auction hosted by Ted Robbins and the evening as a whole looks set to have raised around £15,000 towards our Sports Hall Appeal Fund. Sixth form dance students entertained guests with a performance of the can-can and fairground stalls to test the agility and strength of guests proved popular.

The event was organised by members of our Sports Hall Appeal Committee with Nigel Lester, Sandii Connolly and Yvonne Malley playing a significant part in making the evening such a great success - our thanks goes to them and to everyone who contributed to the Ball."

Moulin Rouge Celebration Ball

Tags: News Archive Alumni Events 2005/2006

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