25 March 2006

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At long last, the photos from the Wales Trip are here.

In March 75 sixth form students who are studying within the Faculty of English, Theatre and Media went to the Conway Centre, Anglesey for three days of creative development across all three of the disciplines in the Faculty. The theme of the days was Heroes and Villains, and from literary myth, dramatic presentations to analysis of Pulp Fiction students developed their concepts of the semiotics and philosophy of good and evil in our culture.

On the first evening we all went to the Bangor to watch the SODA (Students Operatic and Dramatic Association) production of the Hot Mikado. The production was better than anyone could possibly have hoped for, for a number of reasons. Not least amongst these was the unforseen appearance of former BRGS student David Darlington amongst the cast. It was generally felt that this production, if it toured, could possibly gain cult status!

The final evening saw a range of team building activities taking place, from the night line and trust games to the shoebox building run by Mrs. Taylor. After all the seminars had taken place, the final afternoon saw students take part in a range of outdoor activities including high wires - an incredible adrenaline buzz, walking across wires 60 foot above ground in the tree canopy!

We look forward to next year's creative development days - theme to be announced...

Creative Development in Anglesey 2006

Tags: News Archive 2005/2006

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