8 July 2006

The Gigafinal is being held at UMIST (University of Manchester) in Manchester on Sunday, 9th July, and will include competitors from Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales and the whole of England excluding 15 counties in the South-east and South-west of England.

We wish Gareth and Shivali the best of luck in their games.

As there was a wide range of ages in the BRGS tournament it was decided that the senior players should play each other in the semi-finals, so there would be a junior and senior finalist.

The top four players were:

Ayajul Malik 7R against Lawrie Brailey 8R
Shivali Kohli 10B against Gareth Ashworth 12MG

After tense, close-fought battles, Ayajul Malik and Gareth Ashworth went through to the final. With such a massive experience difference it was hardly surprising that Gareth beat Ayajul, though it was an amazing contest and Ayajul held off the older opponent for 25 minutes. Ayajul is an outstanding prospect for the future.

Tags: News Archive Sport and Activities Chess Club 2005/2006

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