28 August 2006

Read about A Level Results 2006

  • BRGS had its best ever set of GCSE results.
  • The 147 pupils passed 1533 GCSE exams at grades A* to C out of 1557.5 entries, a pass rate of 98.4%.
  • All the students passed at least five subjects at A* to C and all but two students achieved at least five subjects including English and Maths.
  • 58.8% of the entry was at grades A* and A.
  • 45 pupils achieved at least nine A* and A grades.
  • There was a record 10.56 passes per pupil at A* to C grades.
Exceptional results of 9 or more A* grades were achieved by six students:
Nicola Bracewell
Francesca Brindle
Katherine Ellis
Katherine Higginson
Gareth Hughes
Emily Lester
The following outstanding students scored one of the top five marks in the country:
Katherine Ellis in Geography
Emily Lester in Geography
The following outstanding students scored one of the top ten marks in the country:
Nicola Bracewell in Citizenship Studies
Gareth Hughes in Citizenship Studies

The headmaster, Mr Marc Morris, said, "This year 11 had been regarded as fairly typical but with a higher number of pupils with long-term illness and other problems. However, the teamwork which is formed by pupils, teachers and parents working together has once again shown its worth. In all respects this was a record year. Readers of newspapers see lists of results; I hope they realise the tremendous amount of work which goes into them. I have been at BRGS for 18 months now and I can honestly say it is the best job I have ever had. I want to thank my staff for their unstinting dedication to provide the best start in life that our pupils could wish for. Results like this are a “thankyou” for staff and parents as well as a reward for pupils. I wish all pupils well as they progress on to sixth form study, employment or training."

Tags: News Archive 2005/2006

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