14 October 2006

At the end of the summer term a team of sixth form volunteers worked hard to extend the woodland garden by building stepped paths and they created a new seating area behind the Clark Building. This work was funded through a Green Partnership Award from Lancashire County Council.

This term we have started further outdoor work with the help of Rossendale Groundwork, and both pupils and parents are invited to help. Many of the year 10 Duke of Edinburgh Award pupils have opted to carry out Eco-School activities for the Service part of the Award. Some of these have worked on preparing ground for sowing wild flowers in the school grounds as well as taking part in community projects, including path clearance in Rawtenstall with Civic Pride and woodland management in Redisher Wood under the supervision of Bury Council’s Local Nature Reserves Officer

Pupils from 11 are working on an energy project, looking into ways to reduce the School’s energy consumption and researching the feasibility of using renewable sources.

The School has been awarded a grant to develop a School Travel Plan and a team is working on this. Suggestions from parents about reducing the use of cars or easing the traffic congestion near School would be very useful.

Ten bike stands have been installed outside Room 55 and pupils are encouraged to cycle to school, as long as they have a parent’s permission. We strongly encourage the wearing of cycle helmets and high visibility clothing.

Several pupils have made suggestions about the collection of recyclable materials. A group is now organising and extending the collection of waste paper around school. In the near future we hope to run a scheme to collect unwanted mobile phones.

We have a plan to

All the Eco-School activities will be announced in assemblies or via form tutors, with updates and photographs on the website. Please see Mr Archer if you have any ideas or want to help in any way.

For information about Eco-Schools visit www.eco-schools.org.uk.

Mr Archer

Tags: News Archive 2006/2007 Eco Schools

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