5 May 2007

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Staff took part in a sports day at lunchtime on the 4th May 2007, which was organised by Mrs. Haslam's Year 10 Citizenship students in order to raise money for charity.

Staff who competed:

Red Team
(overall winners of the event!):
Mr. Whyte
Mrs. Heywood
Mr. Vincent
Mr. Sautejeau
Mrs. Haslam

Orange Team:
Mr. Reeves
Mrs. Chapman
Mrs. Sawle
Mrs. Gregson

Brown Team:
Mr. Wyton
Ms. Caton
Mr. Edwards
Mrs. Sharp

Blue Team:
Mr. Archer
Mr. Jackson
Mrs. Spencer
Mr. Ashton
Mr. Wilkinson

Black Team:
Dr. Robinson
Dr. Edwards
Mr. Haycocks
Mrs. Hughes
Mr. Morris

Green Team:
Miss. Spokes
Mrs. Mazzina
Mr. Spencer
Mr. Hoyle
Miss. Hartley

Purple Team:
Miss. Walker
Mrs. Stanley
Mr. Williamson
Mr. Grehan

White Team:
Mr. Ventress
Mr. Vass
Mr. Neve
Mr. Overend

Staff Charity Sports Day, May 2007

Tags: News Archive Sport and Activities 2006/2007

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