21 May 2007

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As part of their English lessons, pupils in year 8 study one of Shakespeare's most famous comedies, 'A Midsummer Night's Dream'. To conclude their work on this play, 8G performed the closing scene, which includes the hilarious recital of of 'The most lamentable comedy and most cruel death of Pyramus and Thisbe' and the Court's witty reactions and enjoyment of the workmen's play.

Miss Strickland's class excelled themselves in preparing elaborate costumes and props for the performance; some students even went to the effort of hiring outfits, such was their enthusiasm and commitment to the task.

The scene required pupils to play various roles, including characters representing a lion, a wall and moonshine. 8G exhibited creative brilliance in their costume design, which included wigs, painted cardboard and painted faces!

Overall, the class thoroughly enjoyed the experience which showcased their dedication and exceptional potential.

Year 8: Shakespeare 2007

Tags: News Archive 2006/2007

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