16 November 2007

On the 15th November, 2007 BRGS hosted its first ever annual lecture which was designed to promote debate among sixth form students and prize-winning students throughout the school and their parents.

We were pleased to welcome Sir Eric Anderson, Provost of Eton College, to BRGS to speak about what he feels “makes a good school”.

During the evening we also launched the publication of Grammar School Boys which was inspired by former student Alan Torevell (1947-1954) who, along with six former students, have written about their lives at BRGS and how the school has influenced their careers and lives.

The students who have contributed to the book are:
Brian Baker, Trevor Nuttall, Professor Ian Phillips, John Savory and Norman Slater.

If any girls would like to follow the lead of the boys and write their own book, then this would be appreciated!

If you would like a copy of the book, please contact Emma Gauntlett on 01706 234500. The book costs £10 plus £2 for postage and packing in the UK. Proceeds from the sale of the book go to BRGS.

The photos show guests at an evening reception in the Sixth Form Centre after the Annual Lecture

Inaugural Annual Lecture November 2007

Tags: News Archive Alumni Events 2007/2008

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