25 April 2009

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During the Easter holiday, 41 students and 6 staff flew to Cairo for a fascinating 8 day sight-seeing trip to Egypt

On arrival the party wasted no time and started their tour with a traditional camel ride. They then hopped on board a train for an overnight journey down to Aswan, a trip which can only be described as “an experience”! After the long journey they arrived at the Aswan Dam built not only to stop the River Nile from flooding, but also generate electricity and provide water for agriculture. It has been many years since rain has fallen in that region but whilst they were there the students saw the heavens open… could it be that they took some Rossendale weather with them?! Their trip to the Dam was followed by a lesson in a Nubian school, where one of the local teachers hosted a traditional lesson in Arabic.

The intrepid explorers continued on their tour with a drive to Luxor and a visit to the Valley of the Kings and the the Mortuary Temple of Queen Hatshepsut which is located at the head of the valley, beneath the peak of the mountain "Dehent". It sits directly against the rock which forms a natural amphitheatre around it so that the temple itself seems to grow from the living rock.

As the trip drew to a close, the fervent but tired party caught their flight back to Cairo to visit the Tutankhamun exhibition. However, they flew back to unexpected luxury! On arrival at the hotel, they had been given a complimentary upgrade to the Royal and Presidential Suites, complete with panoramic windows and whirlpool baths!

The students arrived home exhausted but excited about their adventures and Mrs Kennedy praised them all for their exemplary behaviour on the trip saying “they were an absolute credit to the school”. Out sincere thanks to Mrs Kennedy for organising such an outstanding trip.

Egypt Trip April 2009

Tags: News Archive 2008/2009

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