24 July 2009

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An opportunity to think ahead about the future

On Tuesday 23rd June, BRGS hosted a Higher Education Fair.
Parents of Year 11 and Year 12 students were invited, along with their sons and daughters to attend this informative exhibition.

The following institutions were represented at the event:

Accrington & Rossendale College
Burnley College
Edge Hill University
Gap Year Organisations
Lancashire Student Services
Liverpool University
Manchester University
Manchester Metropolitan University
Oxbridge Universities
Salford University
University of Central Lancashire
Young People’s Services (formerly Connexions)

Evening Programme:

5.00pm formal welcome to evening session;
5.15pm opportunity for Year 11, Year 12 and all Parents to visit the various
displays and talk with representatives;
6.00pm Presentation 3 – students/parents pre-book to attend;
6.30pm Student Finance at University: What Parents need to know!
(A presentation by Lancashire Student Services in the Main Hall)

formal end of

Presentations also ran during the afternoon for Year 12 students and from 6.00pm so that Parents could also attend.


A) Writing an effective UCAS Personal Statement (John Uden):
John is recently retired as a School Liaison Officer. This session is designed to help you to write a UCAS Personal Statement which will stand out from the crowd and present you in the best possible way.
B) Surviving on a Student Loan: Money Management at University: (Salford University)
What are the costs of being an undergraduate and how can I best manage my finances whilst I am at university?
C) What about a GAP YEAR?
The year between completing A levels and starting at university is arguably the best time to have an adventure, see the world or engage in an enriching Gap Year. Many students who have done this say that they subsequently sent to university much more mature and ready for further study that they would otherwise have been.
Many Gap Year Organisations will be present in the Mezzanine so do not miss the chance to hear Christie Munley take you through the fantastic opportunities they can offer you.
D) Student Finance: What students need to know! (Victoria Clifford)
Lancashire Student Services are the experts in the complicated field of student finance. This session will take you through what funding you might be entitled to and how to apply through Student Finance England.
E) Creative People! Art & Design at University:
This session, presented by Salford University, will take you through how to create and present a portfolio as well as giving you an insight into what an Art & Design course will contain.
F) Those who can, teach!
Chris Bayes from Edge Hill University will take you through what you need to know and do if you aspire to become a teacher.
G) “Beer, Parties and Socialising!” What is Student Life Really Like?
Rory Critchley from UCLan will provide you with an insight into what undergraduate life is really like. How to get the best out of your time at university as well as introducing you to some of the support you can expect from your chosen university.
H) “I’m Fed Up of Education!” (Mrs Anne Latham)
University is not for everyone. This session is for those who wish to move directly into employment and will give you an insight into how to best present yourself to prospective employers.
I) “Choose Me”: What a University Admissions Tutor is looking for!
Carol Knight from UCLan will provide you with a valuable insight into what you will need to do in order to impress the person who will decide whether to make you an offer or not.
J) Considering Oxbridge:
This session is a must for those students who are considering listing Oxford or Cambridge amongst their university choices.
K) “The Whole Truth”: Applying for a Law Degree:
Peter Kay from UCLan will give you some important information about applying for a Law Degree and what to expect once you have been accepted.
L) “Doctor, Doctor!”
Linda Harding from Manchester University will provide an insight into studying Medicine at university.


Tags: News Archive 2008/2009

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