20 August 2009

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© Rossendale Free Press

Former student Annie Thomasson spent six months in Kathmandu in Nepal after making a successful application to the Baptist World Mission. After completing her A levels, Annie jetted off on a life-changing trip to teach children aged two to sixteen in a mix of Christian and government-run schools.

Annie had to overcome a number of cultural challenges: living in a guesthouse and dressing in traditional Nepalese outfits to make an effort to integrate into the community. Annie said: “They only have power for a few hours a day, which took a lot of getting used to but after a while it was just the way of life. The local people were very kind and generous even though they have very little.”

During her stay, Annie taught science and found dramatic differences in teaching styles overseas: “The teachers just do lessons from a text book, so we tried to get the pupils to interact more and played games and did activities with them.”

The highlight of her trip was a four day trek in the Himalayas to climb Poon Hill and watch the sunrise. Since returning to the UK, Annie and the friends who accompanied her have visited local schools to share their experiences

Tags: Alumni Other News 2008/2009

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