15 January 2010

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Proposed Building Developments

In partnership with Lancashire County Council, BRGS is proposing to construct a building consisting of six classrooms. This is to meet the curricular needs of our existing students and the proposal does not involve an increase in school numbers.


Approval was granted for the new classroom block by Lancashire’s Development Control Committee at their meeting in December 2009.

County Councillors on the Lancashire Development Control Committee voted
unanimously in favour of a new classroom block being built at BRGS.
The six classroom block is set to replace all the temporary classrooms on the school site and to provide modern facilities which are fit for teaching and learning.

The building is to be located next to the Sports Hall at the top of Mount Avenue and it will house our English Faculty. To limit the impact of the building it incorporates a sedum roof and there will be significant landscaping. Approval of this application is part of a larger approved scheme at BRGS which will provide the school with a Performing Arts facility in front of the Clark Building, improved parking with the conversion of the tennis courts at the front of the school, and a second all-weather pitch which will be shared with the relocated Waterfoot Primary School.

Work on all of these schemes is due to start over the next couple of months
and the classroom block is expected to be a twelve month build.

To view the drawings, please click on the following links.

Proposed Site Plan
Floor Plans
Proposed Elevations
Proposed Site Cross-Sections

Alternatively, paper copies can be viewed in the general office at school.

If you have any comments on the plans then please write to:

Development Management Group
Environment Directorate
Strategic Planning and Transport
PO Box 100
County Hall
Preston PR1 OLD

Or email comments via DevCon@lancashire.gov.uk

Tags: News Archive 2009/2010

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