11 March 2010

Staff and pupils enjoyed sunny weather for a tree-planting day at BRGS.

The students planting the trees were doing the work for the volunteering section of the Duke of Edinburgh Award. They had spent previous weeks preparing the site by removing unwanted ash trees and building a hedge of cut branches to keep out sheep while the new trees get established.

The trees were provided through a scheme called Tree Appeal and were paid for by the Bolton based Premex Group. Some more trees were provided by the Woodland Trust. Mr. Archer, said “Removing some of the ash trees has opened up the area to let in more light. We have planted a mixture of native trees including crab apple, cherry, dogwood, hazel and blackthorn. As they grow they should bring more colour and variety to our woodland garden. We are very grateful for the donation of these trees by Premex.”

While the trees were being planted another team of volunteers was hard at work on the other side of the school preparing ground for a small wildflower meadow at the top of Mount Avenue

March 2010

Tags: 2009/2010 Eco Schools

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