20 March 2010

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Year 9 visited the World War 1 battlefields at Ypres in Belgium and the Somme in northern France. They visited Tyne Cot - the largest British Military cemetery, which contains the graves of almost 12,000 British war dead as well as a wall containing a further 30,000 names of the missing.

They visited the Menin Gate where the Last Post Ceremony takes place at 8pm, every day of the year. On the walls are thousands of names of fallen soldiers with no known grave. They also visited the enormous Lochnargar crater, the Thiepval Memorial, the German cemetery at Langemarck and the unique museum which houses a collection of war memorabilia as well as preserved trenches.

Not forgetting a visit to Leonidas, the Belgian chocolate shop!

Year 9 Trip to Belgium, March 2010

Tags: News Archive 2009/2010

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