20 December 2010

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Since December 2010 BRGS students have been enjoying a new all-weather pitch.

The top playing field with its poor drainage and unfortunate slope (which could be used to our advantage in inter-school competitions!) was converted by Lancashire County Council to be a shared resource for BRGS and Waterfoot Primary School.

July 2010

Students from both the primary school and BRGS used the facility for the first time before Christmas in a football competition where St. Saviour’s Primary School and Waterfoot Primary School finished the game with a draw and BRGS Year 7 students won their first match on the surface.

Marc Morris, Headmaster, said: “The new artificial pitch is a much needed and outstanding additional sporting facility at BRGS – students are already benefiting from this new facility during PE lessons, practices and matches.”

December 2010

Tags: News Archive 2010/2011

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