6 February 2011

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Students received an introductory talk by Dr Helen Moore concerning English at Oxford University.
Students were then treated to an inspiring lecture by Dr Simon Palfrey entitled 'Shakespeare: Words, Bodies, Action!' which encouraged them to challenge some of their preconceptions about Shakespeare and the creation/interpretation of meaning in his texts.

After lunch, students attended a session with Dr Sos Eltis concerning the admissions process, receiving many valuable tips and viewing a simulated interview. Students were then able to question existing students before being taken on a tour of the Oxford colleges. A great day was had by all despite the 5am start!

Rebecca Shutt said: "It was excellent, you could really tell the lecturers were really enthused by their subject areas. It was really helpful to be talked through the lengthy admissions process, and made me feel calmer about applying. It's a beautiful city, and wonderful place; the atmosphere and the special sort of culture the university seems to have, just makes you want to be a part of it. We were taken around Mansfield College and Magdalen-which had actual deer! The libraries were definitely the best part though, so old looking and filled to the ceilings with books! It was like heaven. I wish I could have stayed!"

English Faculty Oxford University Trip 2011

Tags: News Archive 2010/2011

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