23 February 2011

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During February half-term, 40 students from Years 13 and 10 went to Colorado in the USA for a fabulous ski trip to Winter Park Resort. The accommodation was on a huge YMCA ranch serving big portions of food to the hungry skiers. Students of all skiing abilities and snowboarders were catered for on the slopes too, enjoying the excellent choice of runs through trees and more open slopes.

Some of the steepest skiing was on a mountain called Mary Jane which also had some scary sized mogul fields. The snow and views were great throughout the week and the friendly resort catered for all our students' needs very well.

In the evenings a variety of activities were on offer and the students played football, went swimming, watched a movie and perhaps most enjoyably of all, had a go at snow tubing. For those not in the know this involves sliding down a hill on an inflated inner tube and is great fun!

Many thanks to Mr Hoyle, Mrs McClellan, Miss Mills and Mr Snape who accompanied the students on the trip. Everyone arrived back tired, but exhilarated by the trip and students said they had a wonderful time.

Colorado Ski Trip 2011

Tags: News Archive 2010/2011

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