10 April 2011

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Year 9 visited the World War 1 battlefields in Belgium and northern France.

They visited the Menin Gate, site of a memorial to over 55,000 of the missing as a result of the fighting in Ypres, for the Last Post ceremony, held every night at 8pm since 1927 (except during World War 2). A wreath was laid by our pupils to the BRGS dead of the Great War.

They also visited the enormous Lochnargar crater, the Thiepval Memorial, the German cemetery at Langemarck and the unique Sanctuary Wood Museum which houses a collection of war memorabilia as well as preserved trenches.

At Tyne Cot cemetery, the largest British military cemetery in the world containing over 12,000 graves and a memorial with the names of nearly 35,000 of the missing, a short service of memorial was held by the school, where 2 of our students read the ‘Percy Horsfield from Booth’ poem which is always read at the school’s annual remembrance service and a wreath was laid to remember all the old Boys of BRGS who died in the Great War.

Year 9 Trip to Ypres April 2011

Tags: News Archive 2010/2011

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