20 September 2011

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Former students Priya Loomba and Ella Smith are holding a fundraiser night for a Peruvian charity on the 19th September, 7.00pm at Mario's Restaurant in Bacup.

Both students studied Spanish at BRGS sixth form and went on to study it at university.

After finishing their degrees and having a great time on a year abroad in Spain, they decided to spend a few months volunteering for a charity called Pachawawas that support an orphanage and school in an empoverished area of Arequipa, Peru.

Priya and will be returning to work for them as their Volunteer Coordinator in November.

Priya says: "As ex students who studied Spanish, we'd love to have current students (and teachers!) there, and we can also give quite a lot of advice to language or gap year students on working abroad in spain or volunteering."


Tags: Alumni Other News 2011/2012

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