23 May 2013

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We wish our class of 2013 all the very best in their exams as they leave BRGS.  On the 22nd May, Year 13 arrived in school in various costumes ranging from the Smurfs to the Jamaican bobsled team.  All paraded in the hall for the traditional farewell with old favourites Auld Lang Syne, New York, New York and our own unique BRGS version of The Conga.

A new addition to the day was initiated by Year 13 prefects who placed a post-it note on the locker of every lower school student with individualised messages ranging from "reach for the stars" to "strive to be the best" or "be happy".  A thoughtful and lovely gesture!

Do take a look at our photo gallery  which captures the fun of Leavers' Day 2013.  For further excellent images of the day taken by Mr. Elkington please also click here.

Year 13 Leavers' Day 2013

Tags: 2012/2013

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