28 July 2013

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BRGS has continued its tradition of sustained excellence with another excellent set of A-level results, improving on last year’s figures in all categories.

  • The overall pass rate at A*-E, excluding General Studies, was 99%. This was up from 98% last year.
  • The overall achievement at A* to B was 64%, up from 60% last year.
  • The overall achievement at A*/A was 35% up from 29% last year.
  • 46 students achieved the excellent standard of three or more passes at grade A*/A. This constitutes 22% of the year group, up from 20% last year.
  • 23 students, more than 10% of the year group, achieved 4 or more A*/As.
  • 11 students achieved 5 or more A*/A.
  • 3 students achieved 6 A*/A.
  • 1 student achieved 7 A*/A.

Outstanding results came from the following students; the numbers show how many grade A*/A passes the students achieved at A level.

7 Nathan Mattock (5A* 2A), Joseph Holdsworth-Miller (6A* 1A)

6 George Platt   

5 Paigan Aspinall, Saim Ahmed, Eve White, Benjamin Atueyi, Owain Dawson, Thomas Jackson, Emily Oldfield, Daniel Payne

4 Kirsty Baines, Samuel Cross, Rees Davidson, Thomas Hattan, David Hill, Benjamin Kaufman, Christopher Lee, Ayisha Mahmood, Daniel Mousley, Bobby Thompson, Jack Westerman, Andrew Wilson.

The results mean that six students will take up their offer of a place at either Oxford or Cambridge University; this equals the highest number in the recent history of BRGS. The students gaining a place at Oxford are Paigan Aspinall (BioChemistry), Ben Atueyi (Law), Rees Davison (Engineering), Nathan Mattock (Chemistry) and Daniel Payne (Chemistry). Joseph Holdsworth-Miller will progress to Cambridge to read Maths.  A further five students gained highly competitive places in the top Medical schools.

Alan Porteous, Headteacher, said: “We are very pleased that the results this year continue our sustained record of high academic attainment, with improvements on last year’s achievements at all levels.  Clearly these excellent results have not been achieved without a huge amount of hard work and commitment from both our students and staff, and we congratulate them on their achievements. There are many outstanding individual successes and we wish all our students well as they move on to the next stage in their lives.”

Tags: 2012/2013

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