30 October 2015

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Hotly-fought seats on the Student Council were determined before half-term with each year group selecting two representatives.  The two successful Year 7 representatives made the following speeches in front of 179 of their peers in year assembly and were elected as a resut of their persuasive cases.

Hira Salman proposed the following:

Hello, for those of you who know me my name is Hira and for those of you who don’t know me....I’m still Hira. But the important thing is not my name it is whether I’m going to hear YOU and what you need, so what I need to know is CAN YOU HEAR HER?

I’m not going to bore you with a long and dull speech because I know you’re going to tune me out and start looking at the smudge on your left shoe.

 I was elected by my form to stand in this election because I’m all about the fun and getting what we all want, within a responsible and sensible range –of course.

So I vow to end all homework and get rid of the steep hill which we all have to trudge up each morning...just kidding. I can’t do that. But what I can do is listen to what you do need. Be a part of the student council and get actively involved in making our time in this school a fun and memorable experience.

What you might not know about me is that I have two sisters who are already in this school and even though we are new comers I’m pretty familiar with the stuff that happens in this school. Now what I want to know is how come Sixth formers get this awesome Hot Chocolate in their cafeteria and we don’t? I intend to do something about that. I mean we are young people and hot chocolate is good for us. It has milk which gives us calcium and chocolate comes from cocoa bean, so technically a plant, thus a vegetable which is also good for us. Am I right??

I want to represent you all because I fell in love with this school from the first day, it was so much fun and so full of confusion as well and that’s what I’ll remember fondly. And I’m going to do my best to make your days here full of great memories.

I believe our school is like a tree; we are all different parts of this tree, for example – the teachers are like the roots, which supplement us with knowledge and help us to grow. If I was your elected school counsellor, I would be like the fertilizer which the gardener spreads to enrich the ground, just that little added extra which can make a big difference.

So bring me your issues and needs and remember Hira is here to hear!

So I’ll end with a saying from my favourite philosopher NIKE....


Akshay Narayan said:

In my old primary school, I can distinctly remember the day, when I thought the school council was more than just a bunch of people sitting in a circle, so that they could miss lessons. It was a Friday lunchtime. I’ d just finished my school dinner and was waiting in line, trying to get something to play with. To my disappointment, there was one good ball that was taken, two flat balls and some tangled up skipping ropes. We still had fun, but we could’ve done something better. When I came back on Monday morning with the Monday blues and the bell rang for break, I was amazed to see tons of new and improved stuff and two school council people handing out equipment.

Like that I want to be able to make sure that you are able to do, whatever it is you’re doing, even better.

I’ve got a few ideas:

  • Fun fundraising activities
  • Getting everybody involved in group projects
  • Work on shortening the lunch queue

Some might say, ‘a school that’s had 100 years to improve and develop is pretty much impossible to improve further’, but if we look into the future of our school, I’m sure most of us has an image of a better BRGS. Now I think BRGS is a great school (I’ve even underlined great on my sheet). But if you vote for me it will be AMAZING.

Thank you and I hope you vote for me.

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