6 November 2015

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On Friday 6th November, the Copley Maths Suite was opened officially by Malcolm Copley, former student and son of former Headmaster Bill Copley, and Jake Berry MP.

The building was the outcome of a successful bid to the Department for Education's Academies Capital Maintenance Fund and a substantial gift from a generous benefactor.

The eight spacious classrooms replace some dilapidated 'temporary' buildings which have been on site for at least 50 years. Representatives from the Student Council spoke passionately, eloquently and humorously, reflecting on the crumbling classrooms they inhabited last year.  They are now enjoying the new maths rooms with touch-screen technology with the added benefit of beautiful views over the Rossendale Valley.  

Head of Maths Will Seddon challenged guests to pit their wits against the students in a series of maths challenges which saw the contractors, architects, local councillors and former accountants enter into a light-hearted competition before touring the building to see teachers and students in action, enjoying this much-needed addition to BRGS.

Copley Maths Suite Officially Opened

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