20 February 2016

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Former student Elliot Fosong (Class of 2015) has been recognised as an engineering rising star and been awarded with a Diamond Jubilee Scholarship

Elliot has received the Scholarship from the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) and is one of an elite set of engineering students who have been awarded the prestigious award as the IET and its partners invest £3million in the UK’s up and coming engineering talent over the next five years to tackle the lack of engineers. The IET Diamond Jubilee Scholarship scheme is now in its third year The scholarships provide each winner with financial support as well as mentoring and work experience placements through the IET’s extensive networks, in an attempt to close the ever growing skills gap which has increased for the ninth year running.

This year, 102 scholarships have been awarded to students who started either a Masters or an Undergraduate engineering degree at a UK based university in the autumn of 2015, and 29% these have been awarded to female candidates.

Naomi Climer, IET President, commented: “Research from the IET this year to launch its Engineer a Better World campaign highlighted some of the barriers facing the industry in its attempt to encourage and eventually recruit talented young people – particularly girls and women. In order to ensure we have the workforce that is able to meet the challenges of tomorrow, we need to do everything we can now to attract young people to our industry.

“With this in mind, we are really pleased to give financial help to the 102 young people as a result of our prestigious Diamond Jubilee scholarships. We hope that they will go on to become the leaders of tomorrow in an industry which offers a diverse range of exciting opportunities and challenges.”

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