5 April 2016

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Maisy and Tilly Vasic have been celebrating their achievements in cycling and climbing respectively. 

Maisy competed over the first weekend in April in the Youth Tour of Scotland four stage race for U16 cyclists.  Maisy as an U14 went as part of SportCity Velo Team wearing green and white in the photos.  Up until a crash on stage three she was 15th out of the 54 riders and by the time she had untangled herself post-crash she had lost the lead group and dropped down to 29th.  The shorter stage four was a 10 lap circuit race (21km) with a steep hill (20%) and Maisy finished in the lead group at 18th despite suffering with a sore back.  Overall she came 25th which is an amazing result for an U14 cyclist! 

Younger sister Tilly (Year 7) is pictured below holding a trophy for coming second in the U13 Girls' NW Region in climbing which means that she has qualified for the North West Climbing Team and will compete in a National Competition in Edinburgh.  We wish the girls every success in their sporting endeavours.



Tags: Sport and Activities

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