Staff and pupils took part in lots of entertaining activities in order to raise money for our Sports Hall...

JULY 2005

BRGS whole school Sponsored Walk took place on Monday 18th July 2005.

Mr. Baird organised an inter-form football competition which raised £227.

A second performance of Staff Stars in their Eyes took place on Friday 8th July. SEE PHOTOS HERE

Congratulations to Year 7 on raising £253 by selling raffle tickets at their History Models Exhibition evening on Tues 5th July! SEE PHOTOS HERE

JUNE 2005
STAFF BLIND DATE! Year 9 organised a staff "Blind Date" show which took place in the hall on Tuesday 28th June 2005. The winning contestants, enjoyed a luxury meal in the school canteen on Friday 1st July! This raised £59.
MISS BRGS! A "Miss BRGS" competition took place on Monday 27th June. Pupils voted for the winner.


On Tues 21st June the following male teachers had their legs waxed (for the Sports Hall Appeal of course!): Mr Haycocks, Mr Vass, Mr Edwards, Mr Fitton, Mr Grehan, Mr Baird, plus one sixth former, Matthew Chadwick. Pupils bought raffle tickets to be in with a chance of pulling the wax strips and this raised £90! Well done to 8G for organising this event.

BRGS Quiz Night was on Thurs 16th June.

This raised £499.36 ! A team of teachers won with 117 points (Miss Frazer, Mr Ventress, Mr Grehan, Dr Ellis and Mr King!). In 2nd place with 112 points was a team which included Mr and Mrs Gray, Mr and Mrs Shepherd, Miss Sharples.

Ms. Haslam took part in the Edinburgh Marathon on Sunday 12th June!

Sponsor money will go to our Sports Hall Appeal. Her time was 3 hours 54 minutes. Well done Ms. Haslam! See Edinburgh Marathon website

YEAR 10 had a non-uniform day on Thursday 16th June.

They dressed in sports wear.


We watched staff sing along to their favourite songs, whilst raising money for the sports hall. This raised £371.60.

MAY 2005
Photos from Staff Sports Day

Students will be contributing to our target of £100,000 more to raise, by holding an inter-year fundraising competition with various activites throughout the summer term!.

Friday 6th May- BRGS Golf Day raised £11,000!

Friday 13th May- Year 11 organised a Staff Sports Day This raised £250.

Sponsored Swim

Gail Stanley, High Sheriff of Lancashire, who is a member of our Sports Hall Committee, would like to meet parents who are good at organising events and may be able to form a team to manage this exciting project!

If you are able to help, or would like any further information, please telephone Emma Gauntlett on 01706 234502. You don't have to be a swimmer to help, and any time or support is appreciated!

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