4 November 2011

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On Thursday November 3rd, BRGS held its annual speech night where students received their GCSE certificates for exams taken last summer.

Alongside GCSE certificates, subject prizes were awarded as well as special awards for hard work and dedication. Guest of honour was former pupil and Sky News producer Katrina Bishop.

Acting Headteacher Mr. Elkington said: “We share the delight of our students’ in the wonderful GCSE results they have achieved. The hard work of the young people and their teachers’ has certainly paid off and they thoroughly deserve this high level of success. Out of the top 35 students, all of whom have gained five A* grades or more, it is pleasing to note that 25 of these are boys as we have been working towards narrowing the gender gap in line with national initiatives.”

Subject Prizes And Achievement Awards

The George Allen Memorial Trophy for Music - Danielle Rivett
The Music Cup - Chalcedony Williams
The Dr. P. Lord and O. M. Holt Memorial Prize for Music - Jack Westerman
The Junior Music Shield - Thomas Bennett
The Jack E. Barnes Cup for English (GCSE) - Bobby Thompson
The Mrs L Taylor Prize for Outstanding Achievement in GCSE English Literature - Emily Oldfield
The Year 10 Mathematics Prize (Mrs B. J. White) - Thomas Grundy and Sam Kitson-Platt
Michael Churnside Mathematics Prize for Endeavour - Lauren Jones
The E. A. Whittaker Memorial Prize for German - Chalcedony Williams
The F. Harding Geography Prize - Sarah Kipps
The Year 11 History Prize (Margaret Moore) - Benjamin Atueyi
The Astech Consultants Award for ICT (GCSE) - Maggie Edwards
The R. L . Hutchinson Memorial Prize for Technology (GCSE) - Andrew Wilson
The Milton B. Ormerod Chemistry Prize - Rees Davison
The Zoe Shadlock Junior Science Prize - Elizabeth Gallagher
The Rev. Jack Cawthorne Art Prize - Lucy Watkins
The Robin Coulston Trophy for Art - Polly Sikora
The Mary Tomlinson Memorial Cup for Junior Art - Chloe Parker
The Kerry Hollick Art Prize - Ellie Ansell
The Ashley Tyson Cup for Sports' Personality - Georgina Lucas and Fraser Phillips
The Junior P.E. Prizes - Alfie Taylor and Chloe Hazley
The Jack Dunham Junior Cricket Prize - Jessica Nixon
The Hugh Owen Memorial Prize (Girls) - Sophie McBurnie
The Hugh Owen Memorial Prize (Boys) - Matt Fry
The Mayor of Rossendale's Progress Prize - Emma Booth and Jamie Supyk
The Fred Wild Prize - Neve King

Year Prizes

Year 11

Benjamin Atueyi, Thomas Hattan, Joseph Holdsworth-Miller, Sarah Kipps, Jed Lee,
Evie McDermott, Daniel Mousley, Bobby Thompson, Chalcedony Williams.

Year 10

Esther Ashworth, Eilidh Brailey, Callum Dott, Thomas Grundy,
Asanish Kalyanasundaram, Sam Kitson-Platt, Jacob Lineker, Richard Lucas,
Emma Martin, Danielle Rivett, Connor Rothwell, Lewis Wood.

Year 9

John King, Hassaan Ahmed, Jake Sutcliffe, Callum Belfield, Ronan Pilkington,
Elizabeth Gallagher, Hugh Spencer, Cerys Gregory, Emma James, Elliot Veevers.

Year 8

Hannah Goldswain, Caitlin Shackleton, Christopher Bretherton, Georgina Chick,
Amy Rodgers, Laura Dunleavy, Sarah Taylor, Sophie Duncan, Emma Booth,
Madeleine Teshola, Anjuli Clough

Year 7

Matthew Fry, Elliott Howells, Archie Mullaney, Sophie McBurnie, Georgia Ranson, Aaleigh Beardsworth, Hannah Buckley, Jacob Fielder, Isabel Cormack,
Rebecca Denham, Jessica Fogarty, Willow Back, Bethanne Jones, Brydie Service.

Thank you to our P.T.A. for generously supporting our Year and Form Prizes on an annual basis.

read Lancashire Evening Telegraph Article here

Tags: News Archive 2011/2012

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