21 March 2013

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BRGS held its annual dance show called ‘Movie Memories’ on the 19th & 20th March 2013. The dedicated group of pupils studied a variety of dance styles including street, jive, ballet, jazz and contemporary under the direction of Head of Dance, Kristy Bamber.

Many pupils involved in the show had not attended any formal training outside of school and therefore had to stay extremely committed to learning the different styles of dance as well as mastering many complex techniques.

They performed routines inspired by many different movies including Avatar, Hunger Games, Slumdog Millionaire, Kung Fu Panda and Shrek.

The following Yr 8-13 pupils choreographed dances for the show:

Year 8:  Robyn Westerman and Olivia White

Year 9: Jessica Fogarty, Ella Beardsworth, Emma Ogden and Kennedy Duffy

Year 10: Alice Jane Evans, Caitlin Shackleton, Charlotte Duncan, Eve Williams, Gemma Nuttall, Lauren Jenkins, Lewis Robinson, Lily Pearson, Ruth Lester, Saffron Neal, Sophie Duncan, Amy Duncan and Ellen Horbaczewskyj.

Year 11:  Lucie Connolly and Olivia Walker

Year 13:  Lisa Darrer

Those with names in bold were also dance captains, meaning that they helped to lead practices and assisted with the organisation of the show, so an extra special thank you to them.

The show was performed over two nights, and was a great success for all involved.

Movie Memories

Tags: 2012/2013

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