21 June 2014

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Midsummer’s Day was the date of BRGS’ Centenary Family Fun Day with friends of the school and members of the local community coming along to our Centenary Family Fun Day.  Highlights of the day included zorbing and birds of prey alongside traditional stalls such as ‘Sponge the Teacher’ and ‘Splat the Rat’.  Guests were asked to guess how many balloons were in a mini with the strapline ‘We want a minibus not a mini’ as students raised funds for a much-needed school minibus. Contractors on site who are currently building a new maths classroom block entered into the spirit of things with Carefoot plc. providing hands-on brick-laying and plumbing activities.

The day culminated with an abseil down the school building by Assistant Head Russell Clarke, Headteacher’s PA Amanda Hughes and Headteacher Alan Porteous.  To watch the abseil then please click here.

Centenary Family Fun Day

Tags: 2013/2014

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