This qualification provides an opportunity for students to exercise their abilities beyond the A Level syllabus and prepare for university of their future career. They can also use it to earn extra UCAS points.

The EPQ is offered as a stand-alone qualification at BRGS. The EPQ specification allows each student to embark on a largely self-directed project. They start by taking responsibility for the choice and design of an individual project, or individual role in a group project, and during the process learn to:

  • Mature into critical, reflective and independent learners
  • Develop and apply decision-making and problem-solving skills
  • Increase planning, research, analysis, synthesis, evaluation and presentation skills
  • Apply new technologies confidently
  • Demonstrate creativity, initiative and enterprise.

Extended Project Qualification (Level 3)

The Extended Project will develop and extend from one or more of the learner's study areas and/or from an area of personal interest or activity outside their main programme of study. It will be based on a topic chosen by the learner(s) and agreed as appropriate by the tutors.

Delivery of the Extended Project Qualification will involve some teaching of the necessary skills, supervision and assessment of the learner's progress. It will involve extended autonomous work by learner. It will require in total 120 guided learning hours.
Learners are required, with appropriate supervision, to:

  • Choose an area of interest
  • Draft a title and aims of the project for formal approval by the centre
  • Plan, research and carry out project
  • Deliver a presentation to specified audience
  • Provide evidence of all stage of stages of project development and production for assessment.

AO1 Manage - 20%

Identify, design, plan, and carry out a project, applying a range of skills, strategies and methods to achieve objectives.

AO2 Use Resources - 20%

Research, critically select, organise and use information, and select and use a range of resources. Analyse data apply relevantly and demonstrate understanding of any links, connections and complexities of the topic.

AO3 Develop and Realise - 40%

Select and use a range of skills, including, where appropriate, new technologies and problem solving, to take decisions critically and achieve planned outcomes.

AO4 Review - 20%

Evaluate all aspects of the Extended Project, including outcomes in relation to stated objective and own learning and performance. Select and use a range of communication skills and media to present evidenced project outcomes and conclusions in an appropriate format.


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