Have you sent us your communication preferences?

Make sure that we can keep you up-to-date


The School’s Development Office currently maintains links with nearly 6,000 contactable former students and former members of staff across the world and we would very much like to remain in contact with you.

In line with forthcoming changes to data protection legislation (General Data Protection Regulations), BRGS is asking all alumni, former members of staff and friends of the school to confirm your communication preferences to enable us to be clear regarding how you would like to keep in touch.

Please download this form and mail it back to BRGS with your communication preferences. 

If you would like to know more about how the Development Office stores, uses and protects your data, please read our privacy statement here.



BRGS aims to continue to provide a stimulating environment in which young people are able to contribute and succeed. We are determined to offer our students facilities and opportunities to match the excellent education which we have come to expect. However, public funds are limited and the school relies upon the generosity and goodwill of supporters.

The tradition of benefaction at BRGS dates back to the foundation of the school initially as Newchurch Grammar School in 1702 by John Kershaw. This tradition of supporting BRGS has been strengthened over recent years with the support of so many former students, parents, current students, companies and charitable trusts with the successful completion of our Sports Hall Appeal, reaching our target of £1 million in 2006.  In more recent years, BRGS has benefited from friends of the school supporting our Annual Fund Appeal.

We hope that everyone who believes in the aims of BRGS and has benefited from them will support future generations of students at the School. Your contributions make a real difference to the life and work of students at BRGS.

If you have any ideas for alumni events or would like to organise a regional event then please do get in touch. We have a network of alumni year group representatives who will be interested to hear of any thoughts aimed at your specific year group.

If as a former student you would like to keep in touch with your ‘old school’, please do get in touch or register on Future First. You will receive a termly Friends of BRGS emailed newsletter and will be able to manage your Future First communication preferences through signing up.

All former students are most welcome to visit BRGS and explore how the school has changed over the years. Please contact Emma Gauntlett, Development Director on 01706 234500 to arrange an appointment or email by clicking here.

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