17 December 2013

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"Well, what a brilliant event to host as we approached the end of another busy term at BRGS. After months of preparation and hard work by the Language for Learning (LfL) Leaders, the Christmas Book Sale commenced with a burst of excitement, even before the school bell sounded on the morning of Monday, 16th December. Thanks to all the staff, students, parents, and friends of BRGS, over 500 books went up for sale in the school hall.

At morning break, with Christmas music adding to the festive feel, the school hall resembled a busy high street shop with students and staff rushing to buy books by their favourite authors.  The LfL Leaders did a fantastic job encouraging and cajoling students to part with their pounds and buy a book (or four!). The atmosphere was alive with students of all year groups chatting animatedly about books they had read and wanted to read. By 4.30 pm the book sale had raised £256 which will now go towards developing further LfL initiatives and events.

Since September, the LfL leaders have worked tirelessly to raise the profile of language, literacy and communication across the school. They have supported DEAR (drop everything and read) in form time, conducted assemblies on the importance of reading, run writing competitions and been involved in conducting school assemblies. This book sale was a  triumph and a real testament to the LfL Leaders’ formidable organisation skills and drive to really make a difference and build excitement in reading.  The LfL Leaders and I want to thank everyone involved in the book sale and making it a huge success.   In the words of children’s author, Jean Fritz, “When I discovered books, it was like having Christmas every day.”

Mrs Grehan LFL Co-ordinator

Christmas Book Sale

Tags: 2013/2014

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