20 March 2014

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Journeys was the theme for Holocaust Memorial day 2014.  Students focused on how journeys themselves became part of genocide and how the journeys undertaken were often experiences of persecution and terror for so many people who suffered in the Holocaust, under Nazi Persecution and in the subsequent genocides.  Life stories of journeys that brought survivors to the UK and journeys of return and rebuilding lives have been focused on.

Students and staff were encouraged to write their thoughts on 'journeys' on luggage tags which were displayed in the school hall.  Students wrote profound thoughts and quotes including:

"It isn't enough to talk about peace.  One must believe in it.  And it isn't enough to believe in it.  One must work at it."  Eleanor Roosevelt.

"We won't forget those that were affected by acts of genocide; we are all equal."

We were also highly privileged to welcome back Holocaust survivor Zigi Shipper, kindly arranged by the Holocaust Educational Trust.

Holocaust Educational Trust

Tags: 2013/2014

UNICEF Rights Respecting Schools Anti-Bullying Alliance