GCSE Results Day
25 August 2016
Following last week’s record success at A-level, students at Bacup and Rawtenstall Grammar School are again celebrating outstanding achievements, with the school’s best ever GCSE results. All the year 11 students achieved 5 or more grades at A*-C (99.3% including English and Maths), with over two-thirds of all grades (67%) at the top grades of A*/A and 32% of all grades at A*, an increase of 5% on the previous year.
Alan Porteous, Headteacher, said: “We are really proud of our Year 11 students who have achieved the school’s best ever GCSE results this year. Clearly these excellent results have not been achieved without the dedication and hard work of both our students and staff, and we congratulate them on their achievements. Our focus is on challenging and supporting every student to achieve as highly as they can, and there are many individual success stories behind these headlines. The vast majority of our Year 11 students will be returning to BRGS, along with contemporaries from local schools, and these successes should enable them to approach their A level studies with real confidence and self-belief.”
- Our English Baccalaureate figure, the percentage of students achieving an A* to C in English, Mathematics, Science (dual award or two single Science subjects), a humanities subject and a MFL subject, was 92%. This compares with the national figure of 24.3% for state-funded schools in 2015.
- 54 out of 148 students, 36%, achieved 5 or more A* grades.
- 41/148 achieved all A* or A grades; 28% of the year group.
High achieving students (number of full GCSE A* grades next to student name) are listed below:
11 A* Zain Ahmad
10 A* Charlie Bithell, Melissa Clowes, Eliza Rayner
9 A* Isaac Cornwall, Charlie Coward, Rebecca Hall, Corinna Howorth, Jack Midgley, Olivia Newby, Deborah Onuha, Mark Rutherford-Shaw, Elliot Snape, Holly Tetlow
8 A* Amnah Ahmed, Martha Birtles, Sam Bradley, Adam Bull, Polly Cheadle, Sarah Goldswain, Isaac Heeks, Amir Khandoker, Mairead Morony, Jake Ruding, Lewis Spurgeon, Adam Tahir, Katie Thompson, Amy Titterington, Rachel Winterburn
- Two sets of twins have performed particularly well this year. Sam Bradley gained 8 A* and 3 A grades with his brother Joshua awarded 7 A* and 4 A grades. Sophie Hoyle and Vanessa Hoyle both achieved a superb 7 A*s and 4 A grades.