Bacup and Rawtenstall Grammar School gained academy status on the 1st October 2012.  BRGS has a history of relative autonomy having been one of the first Grant-Maintained schools in 1989 and more recently having Foundation Status.

As an academy the school receives its funding directly from the Government.  The Governors are committed to maintaining the high standards and ethos of the school at the same time as taking advantage of the freedoms afforded by academy status.

After consulting with stakeholders, the Governing Body carefully considered the opportunities that we could offer students, staff and the wider community and remain convinced that BRGS will flourish as an autonomous school.

BRGS Academy Trust is a Company Limited by Guarantee and registered in England and Wales under Registration Number 8205021.  The Trust is also an Exempt Charity.

For further information about academy status, please refer to the Department for Education’s website at 

The school's Articles of Association, Memorandum of Association and Funding Agreement are available below. 

Academy School Documentation

Annual Report and Financial Statements

The school did not receive any pupil catch up funding for Year 7 students in 2018/19. 

Please click here to view the webpage dedicated to BRGS with respect to the School Financial Benchmarking Service. 


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