As a large Sixth Form, we design our curriculum around student choice and are able to offer most subjects in combination with each other.  Our study programme meets the Department for Education's requirements for 16-19. 

In addition to all of our students taking at least 3 A levels, we also have a tutor programme and timetabled private study.  Year 12 students choose 4 subjects for the first term to broaden choice and ensure they are on the right programme of study.  Year 12 students also follow an enrichment programme for 2 hours on most Wednesday afternoons.  Most students are full time students with over 540 timetabled hours over the course of the year and all students should have passed GCSE English Language and Maths to at least grade 4 upon entry into the Sixth Form.

The details of each subject available to study can be found by following the link on the left of this page.

You do need to give very careful consideration to your choice of subjects as they must be the ones you thoroughly enjoy and are good at, not just choosing subjects because you 'need them' to access a particular career. The jump from GCSE to A level is a very big one and all subjects are difficult. Some subjects build on pre-existing knowledge and therefore there are minimum grade expectations at GCSE in these subjects e.g. Grade 6 minimum in Biology.  Information regarding individual subject requirements is available here.

A lot of guidance is offered to help you to choose the most appropriate subjects during your interview in the Spring Term, at the Preview Day in June and again in your Individual Enrolment Interview in late August. If you wish to discuss your choices at other times, please do not hesitate to contact us.


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