At BRGS we strive to create the best possible atmosphere for personal development. Our priority is to ensure that you feel welcome, settled and enabled to achieve.

With tutor groups of around 20 students meeting on a daily basis, and assemblies each week for all members of the Sixth Form, bringing everyone together regularly helps to create a community feel.

We offer student support at every level. Subject teachers ensure our students develop to their full potential, helping to open doors to the future. Our team of dedicated and experienced Sixth Form tutors is on hand at any time to offer personal and pastoral support - no question is too trivial or time-consuming. In the words of one student, “there is always someone to talk to and encourage you.”  

There is access to counsellors, a school nurse and an independent career advisor to make sure students receive the best possible guidance in any situation. Our Learning Support Manager provides extra help, whether it is coaching in study skills, mentoring groups of students, or providing extra support for 'Next Step' decisions.  In addition, our in year retention rates are high (In 2021-2022:  Year 12 retained in-year was 96.1% and Year 12 into Year 13 was 97%.  The percentage retention for a two year programme of study (2020-2022) was 95%.)

For information regarding our safeguarding procedures at BRGS please click here   Our pastoral team is always available for you to talk to but you will also find a wealth of information regarding additional support organisations here too.  


The Sixth Form Centre offers our students independence. Fresh food is served daily and a computer suite, alongside wireless internet provision, means students are able to manage their free time during the school day.


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